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To provide medical and healthcare information, education and communications in developing and war-affected regions.
About WiRED International

WiRED International: Bringing Vital Medical Information to Remote Regions of the Globe

WiRED International aims to ensure equal access to information that saves lives.

WiRED International aims to ensure equal access to information that saves lives. Providing equipment, coordination, and contacts, it brings critical health information to communities coping with the challenges of war, poverty, and dislocation. Within a single day, WiRED can convert an empty room into a technology hub with global reach. WiRED serves underdeveloped regions in 12 countries on four continents – some places so remote we must use solar panels to power the equipment we provide.

To counter this isolation, we supply the computers, Internet connection, satellite video communication, and other technologies – delivering the finest medical information available to physicians, nurses, and medical students, as well as people at the grassroots level.

Arriving on the heels of the first American troops in Iraq in 2003, for example, WiRED techs installed e-libraries almost overnight. Information-starved physicians flocked to these centers, eager to enhance their medical knowledge to better save lives in the midst of war and dislocation. Since then, WiRED has installed 39 centers in Iraq.

But WiRED does much more than deliver information. Through high-tech telemedicine connections, WiRED helps provide long-distance bonds – linking the world's neediest doctors with the world's best trained and equipped medical professionals. Together, they talk medicine, discuss cases, and create innovative solutions – thus restoring the collaborative process that good medical practice so depends on.

At the grassroots level, WiRED uses innovative approaches to reach people. In Africa, WiRED created an acclaimed program to deliver interactive educational lessons in appealing and accessible formats, helping to increase knowledge, shape attitudes, and alter behaviors with respect to HIV/AIDS. On the shores of Lake Victoria, in Kisumu, Kenya, for example, teens carry WiRED's battery-operated and programmed Pack 'N Go computers to isolated communities. In fact, more than a million Kenyans have seen and heard HIV/AIDS prevention messages in remote locations thanks to WiRED.

WiRED believes that no medication or medical device can do as much to promote good health in remote regions as can a doctor's knowledge of good medicine. In addition to helping bridge the information gap, WiRED operates on the philosophy that its centers should help promote harmony in communities through local collaboration and equal access for professionals and everyday people alike. The quest for good health is a tie that binds us all.

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WiRED works in cooperation with the Marian Wright Edelman Institute at San Francisco State University.
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