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To provide medical and healthcare information, education and communications in developing and war-affected regions.
WiRED International in the worldwide media

As of April 2006

Providing services to more than one million people in 11 countries on four continents during 2005, WiRED International is truly a global organization. The following list of stories about WiRED from worldwide media outlets, such as Soul Beat Africa and the Bangladesh Observer, will provide you with a sense of the scope of WiRED's international programs to provide medical and healthcare information, education, and communications resources to communities in developing and post-conflict regions.

Dr. Gary Selnow addressed the Diplomatic and Consular Officers, Retired (DACOR)
March 7th, 2006. The U.S. Department of State website. WiRED International Executive Director Gary Selnow addressed a February 28 luncheon sponsored by the Diplomatic and Consular Officers about WiRED's program in Iraq initiated with State Department funding.
Medical Information Centers Link Iraqis to Medical Mainstream - US Department of State

Higher Learning Magazine
January–February 2005 issue. Professor Wires the World, One Town at a Time.

U. S. Global Technology Corps Brings IT to Iraqi Medical Students
U.S Department of State Office of the Spokesman June 26, 2003. Providing computer technology and training to medical students in Baghdad, Iraq as part of a joint public diplomacy initiative with the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

Marian Wright Edelman Institute for the Study of Children and Families
Newsletter Nov-Jan 2006. Iraqi set up of satellites in four of WiREDs Medical Information Centers throughout the country.

IOM, WiRED Cooperate to Help Iraq's Health Sector
THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR. Friday, 20 February, 2004. GENEVA. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) announced Tuesday that it has signed an agreement to work with WiRED International to provide computer technology and training to medical students and health professionals in Iraq.

IRINNews.org: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
IRAQ CRISIS: Weekly round-up Number 49 for 14 - 20 February. The IOM signed an agreement to work with WIRED International, a non-profit information and communication resources company that helps disadvantaged people around the world.

Global Partners Preventing HIV: UNFPA
Youth partner, Wakesho Peris David.

Affinity Announces Winners of 'Making a Difference' Awards Program
Best Charity Site: Grand Prize Winner $10,000 – WiRED International

Iraqi Professors, Students Rebuild Their Shattered Universities: U.S. Scholar Describes Iraqi Will to Pursue Higher Education
Paradox Amid the Rubble, by Gary Selnow.

Office of Private Voluntary Cooperation-American Schools and Hospitals Abroad
U.S. Agency for International Development PVC (Private Voluntary Cooperation)-ASHA E-News Bulletin: February 2005 - Volume 2, Number 1.

U.S. Project Brings Information Technology to Iraq
Through an innovative public-private partnership, the State Department is helping to bring modern information technology (IT) to the people of Iraq.

Medical Teaching in War Torn Iraq
Student BMJ

KENYA: Drumming, Arts, and "Boxes of Hope"
One World Beat News: The collection of art materials and other resources (called "Boxes of Hope") will take place at the KANCO office (Kenya AIDS NGOs Consortium, www.kanco.org ) in Mombasa, where one of the main event organizers, Jacqualine Kowa, works with the nonprofit WiRED International (www.wiredinternational.org ), an ICTs-oriented development organization which builds health centers in nine countries, including Kenya.

Charles A. and Anne Morrow Lindbergh Foundation
"Using Computers as a Health Education Vehicle for Transmitting Crucial Aids Prevention Information in Africa"

Humanitarian To Receive SFSU President's Medal For Wiring Third World
San Francisco State University – April 7, 2004: SFSU Professor Gary Selnow to be honored at Commencement ceremonies, May 29, 2004.

The IOM Signed an Agreement to Work with WiRED International
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN): 20 February 2004. IRAQ: Weekly round-up Number 49 for 14-20 February.

WiRED International/UNITeS
Digital Divide Network (DDN)

U.S. Project Brings Information Technology to Iraq: Includes Contributions of Computerized Medical Libraries
USInfo July 2003

Paradox Amid The Rubble, by Gary Selnow
The Bangladesh Observer. Monday, September 8, 2003.

OVF Kenya Home
One Village Foundation

Communicators Discuss Their Roles in Global Decision Making

NS Telecentar Establishment
South East European Refugee Assistance Network (SEE-RAN)

Projeto dos EUA leva tecnologia de informação para o Iraque
Programas Internacionais de Informação. 6-11-03. Wired's involvement with Iraq.

WiRED International's Community Health Information Centre (CHIC) - Kenya
Project focuses on the creation of health centres, wired to provide information via information communication technology (ICTs).

Making the Difference: Affinity Best Charity Winners

Soul Beat Africa

MEHRPI Project Update #9 IOM and WiRED International Partnership

'Making a Difference Winners' Best Charity Site: Grand Prize Winner $10,000 - WiRED International

Daily Dose Archived Daily News 2002 November
The site announces a funding drive to maintain and expand their program of activities in part through Wired International. (Also links to www.wiredinitiative.com.)

March Newsletter, Marian Wright Edelman Institute, SFSU
Describes AIDS link developed by WiRED International in Kenya

OnlyPunjab.com Affinity Awards
'Making a Difference' winners: Best Charity Site Grand Prize Winner $10,000 -WiRED International

Volunteer Solutions
Advertising volunteer opportunities with WiRED International.

International Public Affairs Symposium 2003
Gary Selnow, Ph.D., professor of communication, San Francisco State University and executive director, WiRED International presents visuals of his experiences.

Skills Building Workshop "Connecting the Caribbean and Kenya" - Caribbean MELIA: Constanza
SPONSOR World Information Resources for Educational Development (WiRED) International, United States.

Communicators Discuss Their Roles in Global Decision Making New York, Nov. 25, 2003
Gary Selnow, Professor of Communication, San Francisco State University, and Executive Director, WiRED International.

US Dept. of State - Iraqi Professors, Students Rebuild Their Shattered Universities
"Paradox Amid the Rubble" by Gary Selnow.

Medical Evacuation & Health Rehabilitation Program for Iraq, MEHRPI Project Update #91-31, March 2004

ReliefWeb: IOM Press Briefing Notes, Feb. 17, 2004, Iraq. (Extract) IRAQ - IOM Signs Health Sector MOU with WiRED
IOM has signed an agreement to work with WiRED International.

WiRED CooperateS to Help Iraq's Health Sector
Business professor Gary Selnow and the non-profit organization that he founded, WiRED International, dedicated a new Iraqi Medical Information Center.

The New Light of Myanmar
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) announced Tuesday that it has signed an agreement to work with WiRED International to provide.

US Project Brings Information Technology to Iraq
Medical institutions in Baghdad, the first healthcare aid project in post-war Iraq, according to Gary Selnow, executive director of WiRED International.

IRINN News, Oct. 4, 2004, Number 49 for 14-20 Feb
IRAQ: IRAQ CRISIS: Weekly round-up Number 49 for 14-20 February describes agreement of health sector in Iraq and WiRED International (UN Office for coordination of humanitarian affairs).

Affinity Web Services Testimonial from Gary Selnow

Rising from the Ashes
Report on medical databse in Iraq including interview with Gary by Ioana Vlad ...Gary Selnow is adamant, "These colleges and universities will rise from the ashes." Also links to: http://www.wiredinternational.org/iraq/%20iraq_paradox.html

The Blogiston Post
Money and politics. The Defense Policy Board. Contracts in Iraq. On June 24, 2003, USGTC partner WiRED International (World Internet Resources for Education and Development) inaugurated a ten workstation computer center with a 130 disk CD-ROM health education library at the Medical City Center of the University of Baghdad, the largest teaching hospital in Iraq.

Soul Beat Africa Communication for Change
A project of Soul City and The Communication Initiative, WiRED International's Community Health Information Centre (CHIC) Project - Kenya. Text reads: The health information centre houses four or more networked computers and a medical CD-ROM collection, with trained staff members to help visitors access information about HIV/AIDS and other health care topics. The organization has developed a number of programs including: a disabled program; a Pack-'N-Go programmme to bring AIDS treatment and HIV prevention information to people who cannot make the journey into the centre; a CD-ROM; and outreach program.

Satellite IP for Iraq Gulf News
SFSU business Professor Gary Selnow is part of a team working with the U.S. State Department in evaluating the information needs of the Iraqi people in the aftermath of the war. The Global Technology Corps at the State Department invited World Internet Resources for Education and Development (WiRED International), a nonprofit that Selnow founded to address social and health problems in developing countries, to look at conditions related to education, health care and democracy building (www.sfsu.edu/~news/2003/96.htm). Also, see Prof. Selnow's notes from the field (www.sfsu.edu/~news/2003/96a.htm).

Irak - Signature d'un Protocole d'accord avec "Wired International"

SFSU college News Archive
Business professor, Gary Selnow, assists in nation-building efforts in Iraq, May 30, 2003.

Public Affairs 2003 Press Releases
Gary Selnow, founder and executive director of WiRED International, is an SFSU faculty member since 1992 and Montara resident ...

Rising from the Ashes
Wired International, a non-profit foundation to assist people in war-torn and economically disadvantaged regions of the world through humanitarian programs ...

The Bangladesh Observer - Net Edition
He is also the founder and director of WiRED International, which provides computer technology to bring health care information into troubled regions.

Volunteer Opportunities

Iraque em Foco - Escritsrio de Programas de Informagco
... midicas em Bagda, o primeiro projeto de ajuda na area de sazde no Iraque pss-guerra, segundo Gary Selnow, Diretor Executivo da WiRED International, um dos ...

CEPECA - Quem Apoia
Ron Vargas estiveram no Projeto Clicar para a implementagco dos computadores doados pela Apple Computer, Global Technology Corporation e Wired International ...

U.S. Global Technology Corps Brings IT to Iraqi Medical Students
On June 24, 2003, USGTC partner WiRED International (World Internet Resources for Education and Development) inaugurated a ten workstation computer center with a 130 disk CD-ROM health education library at the Medical City Center of the University of Baghdad, the largest teaching hospital in Iraq. Dr. Gary Selnow, executive director of WiRED International and a former Fulbright professor, presided at the opening ceremony joined by James K. Haveman, the Coalition Provisional Authority s Senior Adviser to the Ministry of Health, and Dr. Saeb Saddiq, Director General of Medical City Center ...

State Department Providing Computer Training to Iraqi Medical Students
According to a media note released June 26, the Bureaus of International Information Programs (IIP) and Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA), along with WiRED International (World Internet Resources for Education and Development) inaugurated a ten workstation computer center in Baghdad June 24, along with a CD ROM health education library ...

Skills Building Workshops
Sustainable capacity building for community-based organizations: sharing the Kenyan experience with the Caribbean.

Organization Provides Medical Information Online Worldwide
The San Francisco Chronicle on Friday looked at the World Internet Resources for Education and Development, or WiRED, an international not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving medical care and expanding information resources through Internet access. The computer centers ...

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