Dress Code...
by Bonnie Hgigi

  • Some people mimic the way movie stars or musicians dress ignorant of the fact that it may only be a costume for a role or part of a show.
  • Don't do something because someone else is doing it, even if that someone happens to be someone who is regarded as popular and generally considered "cool."
  • Always put yourself first, but also consider the consequences your actions may have on others.
  • Your clothes are an expression of who you are. The first impression people get about you is based on your outward appearance. Therefore, the way you dress reflects who you are, what you think, and what you do.
  • Your style of dress gives away certain aspects of your personality. Dress successfully and people will take you that way.
  • To look the part you have to dress the part!
Do's and Don'ts
  • Don't wear anything too revealing or too tight, such as the kind of clothes that cling to your body or reveal more than they conceal.
  • Wear the right outfit for the right occasion. Too casual may express lack of seriousness. Your intentions can be seen clearly in your dress code.
  • You can be fashionable and still be decent.
  • Don't wear too much jewelry or make-up.
  • It is understandable that young people follow trends, but it is also wise to wear something that is true to your personality.
  • Don't try too hard to look sophisticated, remain simple and original.
  • Remember: If you want to say "no," your appearance must also say "no!"