Just Say No!
by Benard Maracha
  • Young people are often faced with situations where they have to balance physical urges and mindful judgment. These are situations when we have to rely on self-control.
  • Sometimes a kiss or a hug can lead to an intimate exchange, and you may not be able to fully control the situation.
  • The only way to avoid this is to stop before you go too far. But determining your limits can also be difficult, so you must have the ability to make sure that you have full control of your body and emotions at all times.
  • Remember: Once things get going, you may be unable to make strong decisions, and thus, whatever you're doing at the time may seem right.
  • Anytime you're pressured to give in, just say "no!"
Useful Tips
  • Avoid meeting in secluded places. If you're going on a date, let it be in a public place where people can see you.
  • Avoid showing intimacy by a lot of kissing or hugging.
  • Avoid using drugs or alcohol, as these influence your ability to make sound decisions.
  • Be sure of yourself and your unwavering ability to say no.
  • Avoid exposure to profanity and pornography.
  • Keep yourself from having evil thoughts or engaging in indecent behavior.
  • Always make your intentions in a relationship clear.

Remember: It is ultimately up to you. It's your decision, your life, it's all yours!